How to optimize your Power BI data model?

Ashwini Jain
2 min readDec 11, 2023

Optimizing a Power BI model involves several key strategies to improve performance and efficiency. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Choose the Right Data Model:

  • Star Schema: Use a star schema design for your data model. This involves having a central fact table that connects to related dimension tables. It simplifies the model and often improves query performance.
  • Normalization vs. Denormalization: Consider the balance between normalization (eliminating redundancy) and denormalization (reducing the number of joins). Sometimes, a slightly denormalized model can improve performance.

2. Optimize Data Import:

  • Import Necessary Data Only: Only import the data you need. Avoid loading unnecessary columns or rows.
  • Incremental Refresh: Use incremental refresh policies for large datasets to only refresh the data that has changed.

3. Use Efficient Calculations:

  • DAX Formulas: Write efficient DAX formulas. Avoid overly complex calculations and use measures instead of calculated columns when possible.
  • Context Optimization: Be mindful of the context in which your DAX calculations are being evaluated (row context, filter context, etc.).

4. Manage Relationships and Hierarchies:

  • Relationships: Ensure that relationships between tables are correctly defined. Use single-directional relationships where possible to avoid ambiguity.
  • Hierarchies: Create hierarchies for faster drill-downs and improved user experience.

5. Optimize Data Storage Mode:

  • DirectQuery vs. Import Mode: Choose between DirectQuery and Import modes wisely. DirectQuery is suitable for real-time data but can be slower for complex queries. Import mode is generally faster but requires data refreshes.
  • Composite Models: Use composite models to combine the benefits of both DirectQuery and Import modes.

6. Utilize Aggregations:

  • Implement aggregations in your model to improve query performance, especially on large datasets. Aggregations can pre-calculate and store summary data, reducing the need to query detailed data.

7. Reduce Cardinality:

  • High cardinality columns (columns with many unique values, like a GUID) can impact performance. Where possible, reduce cardinality.

8. Optimize Visuals in Reports:

  • Use fewer visuals on your reports. Each visual generates a query, so more visuals mean more queries.
  • Avoid high-cardinality fields in visuals, as they can slow down rendering.

9. Performance Tuning:

  • Performance Analyzer: Use the Performance Analyzer in Power BI Desktop to diagnose report performance issues.
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor and review the performance of your reports and dashboards.

10. Keep Your Power BI Desktop Updated:

  • Always use the latest version of Power BI Desktop, as Microsoft continuously improves performance and adds new features.

Remember, the optimization strategies may vary based on the specific requirements and data characteristics of your Power BI model. Always test the performance impact of any changes you make.



Ashwini Jain

IIT Bombay & Purdue Uni. | 10+ years in Data domain | Forbes Asia 30U30 | 15+ speaking engagements | Data champion by Microsoft | Raised $1.5M for my startup